What is The Omega-3 Whole Blood Test?

The Omega-3 Whole Blood Test tells you the amount of essential fatty acids circulating in your bloodstream before, during or after supplementation with a high quality pharmaceutical grade fish oil like A-M B-Well™Omega-3 PGFO fish oil which is IFOS-approved ( www.nutrasource.ca/ifos). Knowing these levels will help guide you in the best possible preventive health strategy, and will determine whether your current nutritional and supplement habits are working effectively. When the daily oral intake of long chain omega-3 fatty acids is increased, it takes 4-6 weeks to see significant increases in blood levels.

Knowing and actively managing your levels of Omega-3 fatty acids are related to beneficial outcomes and are known to combat cardiovascular disease.

Do you know what your AA:EPA Ratio is?

The AA: EPA ratio provides a more specific indicator of the balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in circulation. When this ratio is higher, there is preferred incorporation of AA into membranes over EPA, leading to a pro-inflammatory environment. While both of these fatty acids are essential to human health, some experts agree that this ratio should remain at or below 4:1.

Understanding Your Omega-3 Whole Blood Test

Your Omega-3 Whole Blood Test will provide four measurements:

  • The first measurement, called the Omega-3 Whole Blood Score measures omega-3 fatty acid content as a percentage of your total whole-blood fatty acid composition. This score is the sum of EPA, DPA, and DHA in a whole blood sample. Your risk of sudden cardiac death can be estimated from the Omega-3 Whole Blood Score. Whole Blood scores in the highest quartile (6.1% - 10.2%) were associated with an 80% lower risk of sudden death compared to individuals with whole blood scores of 2.1% - 4.3%.
  • The second measurement, called the Omega-3 Serum Equivalence Score is the sum of all omega-3 fatty acids as measured in whole blood, and derived by validated calculations to yield the equivalent sum in serum. Your overall risk for developing heart disease can be estimated from the Omega-3 Serum Equivalence Score. An Omega-3 Serum Equivalence Score ≥7.2 is associated with a 32% reduction in heart disease compared to a score of < 5.0.
  • The third measurement, called the EPA + DHA Serum Equivalence Score is the sum of EPA and DHA as measured in whole blood, and derived by validated calculations to yield the equivalent sum of EPA and DHA in serum. Your risk of dying from ischemic heart disease (heart attack) can be estimated from the EPA+DHA Serum Equivalence Score, which represents the total percent of fatty acids comprised of EPA and DHA in serum. An EPA + DHA Serum Equivalence Score ≥4.6 is associated with a 70% reduced risk of death from fatal ischemic heart disease as compared to a score of < 3.5.
  • The fourth measurement, called the Omega-3 Red Blood Equivalence Score (Omega-3 Index) is the sum of EPA and DHA as measured in whole blood, and derived by validated calculations to yield the equivalent sum of EPA and DHA in red blood cell membranes. Your risk of having a sudden myocardial infarction (heart attack) can be estimated from the Omega-3 Index Red Blood Cell Equivalence Score (also known as the Omega-3 Index). An RBC omega-3 value of 8-11% offers the greatest protection against sudden myocardial infarction.

If your Omega-3 Whole Blood Test report indicates that your levels of omega-3 are low, or that your levels of omega-6 and saturated fatty acids are high – don’t worry! You are in the same boat as many North Americans. This is easily changed with diet and supplementation, in as little as four weeks. Increasing your omega-3 intake and decreasing your intake of omega-6 and saturated fats will significantly improve your health.

You CAN change your risk of heart disease.

For more information regarding the Omega-3 Whole Blood Test please contact info@nutrasource.ca